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Covid-19 crisis fund supports Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity

Children who require stays in hospital or essential visits, need vital support during this Covid-19 pandemic.

That is why Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar are providing £2,500 from their Covid-19 crisis fund to Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.

Funding will be used to provide direct support for clinically vulnerable children and their families with food, toiletries, creative activities, mental health support, and to provide a range of vital equipment for the hospital and community health services.

Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity supports children, like Lily (pictured) and their families, visiting the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

Victoria Buchanan, deputy director of fundraising and marketing at Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “We are delighted to have the support of Community Windpower and BeGreen Dunbar and would like to thank them for their incredibly generous donation to our Covid-19 Emergency Appeal.

“This funding will help to make things a little easier for families having to cope with the impact of the outbreak on top of the distress of having a sick or injured child. We couldn’t be more grateful to have this support for children, young people and families at this difficult time.”

Be it admitted to hospital or shielding at home, these children, young people, and their families who are already at risk, are facing additional challenges regarding food supply, family finances, the physical health of the child and the mental health of all family members. 

Coronavirus is disrupting normal support systems and creating new risks to the health of the child and the whole family’s wellbeing.

Creative activity packs provided for every child in hospital and vulnerable families shielding at home, are age and stage appropriate and designed to be self-led or easy for parents to support.

Drawing on experience of providing 1,000 annual art workshops in the hospital, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity knows the power of creative activity in distracting children from pain, discomfort, loneliness, waiting and worry.

Diane Wood, community benefits director at Community Windpower, which the Aikengall Community Wind Farms, said: “We know just how much children need our support during this Covid-19 crisis, so we’re pleased to be able to provide funds to Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity, which will go towards supporting the most vulnerable through the situation. 

“It’s at times like these that we need to pull together and help all those less fortunate than ourselves, which is what our Covid-19 crisis fund is designed to do.”

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